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Wisdom Teeth Removal: Regain Attractive Look and Confidence

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Regain Attractive Look and Confidence

01 Mar 2024

Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars that people get in their late teens or early twenties. You need dentists in Holborn for the dental treatment. They usually erupt without sufficient space for them into the correct position like other teeth in the mouth. Sometimes these teeth are a valuable asset when they are properly aligned and healthy though they are misaligned. You may have to undergo wisdom teeth removal, if needed. You may even suffer from swelling, infection or pain to the gum covering wisdom tooth. They may get food stuck and even get decayed.

Some wisdom teeth do not show any symptoms but there might be a problem of developing then or there are high risks that you may not know about them. Wisdom teeth that are horizontally positioned and have not erupted completely possess higher risk of decay occurring in the wisdom tooth and also to your tooth in the front. You need to get in touch with our dentist in London when looking for wisdom tooth removal and solving your oral problems.

Do you need to be referred?

Some wisdom teeth are simple to remove. The dentist will remove them or may refer you to see a clinician who takes them out routinely with the emergency dentist in London. You may have to visit another dental practice clinic where they remove them on the same day during the first appointment.

Wisdom teeth which are difficult to remove or have medical issues require visiting a dentist or you may have to go to the hospital. He should be an Oral Surgeon or an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Consultant with years of experience and necessary qualifications to provide you with the information and decide what to do with wisdom teeth. Your first appointment will be a consultation only and another appointment may be needed to undergo the treatment, if needed.

What are the options to be discussed?

There are different options for managing your wisdom teeth.

There is no treatment by dentists in Holborn though kept under review

If your wisdom tooth is not causing any problem and there is lower risk of the problem from developing, there is an option available for the wisdom tooth. The dentist will review your wisdom teeth with the remaining teeth when you go for routine check up. He may perform an X- ray of the wisdom teeth, when necessary. But the circumstances may change and risk of wisdom teeth problem can increase. The time for undergoing the treatment should be done according to your dentist. Make sure you keep wisdom teeth under review as several problems can develop without you knowing about them till the symptoms get severe.

Treatment process

There are cases where a problem has already developed or there is high risk of developing wisdom tooth which can be removed completely.The dentists in Holborn can manage the treatment. During the consultation session, these options will be discussed in details along with what is involved and risks involved in the procedure. You may have to remove your wisdom teeth too.

What does the removal of lower wisdom teeth involve?

If your wisdom tooth has not completely erupted in the mouth, it is necessary to prepare a cut into the gum over your tooth. Sometimes it is necessary to remove bone surrounding your wisdom tooth. The tooth may be cut into 2 or 3 pieces for removing it. After the removal of wisdom tooth, the gum will be put back into place with necessary stitches. In most cases, these stitches dissolve and require almost two weeks for disappearing.

What are possible risks of wisdom tooth removal with emergency dentist in London?

Most patients will recover completely without any problem.


There can be slight bleeding at the extraction site which usually stops quickly. When you are at home and the area bleeds, it can be stopped by exerting some pressure over the area for 10 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, you need to see a emergency dentist in London without delay.

Altered sensation to your lower lip, chin or tongue:

Two nerves remain close to your lower wisdom teeth. The nerves may differ in their closeness to wisdom teeth. Lingual nerve offers some sensation in the tongue while dental nerve provides sensation to the skin and lower li. These nerves might be bruised at the time of tooth removal. When this occurs, you may have numbness or needles in the lower lip, tongue, skin or combination of these.

If wisdom tooth is away from nerve, the risk to dental nerve is not more than 1%, but if the nerve is close contact, the risk can be as high as 9%. Your risk to lingual nerve will not be more than 0.5%. It might take nearly 18 months for it to recover. The nerve might not recover completely in rare cases and you are left with small patches of numbness to the chin or lip.


There may be an infection in the socket or blood clot from extraction socket gets dissolved causing dry socket. The incidence of this occurring is low in the order of 2%. It can be lessened by keeping the area clean and rinsing with water or using a mouthwash the day after your procedure. It is advisable that you quit smoking for a few days after removing wisdom tooth. Smoking enhances the risk of a dry socket or an infection. It may be necessary to take an antibiotics course, according to your dentist after wisdom tooth extraction.

Jaw weakening:

There are rare cases when the removal of wisdom tooth may lead to significant weakening of the jaw with the possibility of some jaw fracture. The incidence of this occurring is very low and less than 1%.

What you should know about coronectomy

A coronectomy might be a suitable treatment option and provided when inferior dental nerve remains in close contact to your wisdom tooth. During this procedure, only the upper part of wisdom tooth gets removed by leaving some tooth roots behind. This can help to lessen the risk of nerve. But there is less than 3% risk you might need to have remaining roots out at a later date or there might be delay in the healing process. An evaluation will be done during the consultation to know whether it is the suitable option for you.

How much time will it take for wisdom tooth removal?

This is variable and wisdom teeth may take only a few minutes to remove. Difficult wisdom teeth which should be cut into pieces to remove may take around 20 minutes for the extraction.

Is there much swelling or pain after wisdom teeth removal?

It is possible that there will be some swelling and discomfort on the inside and outside of your mouth after the surgery. It is worse for the first three days though it may take almost two weeks before all the soreness goes away. You may find your jaw is stiff and might not be able to open fully. You will have to eat soft diet for one week. There might be some bruising of your face or skin that can take almost a fortnight to fade away. Applying an ice pack during the first 24 hours post-operatively might help. Make sure you do not put ice pack directly to your skin and wrap it in a towel first. The older you wait for wisdom tooth removal, the longer it will take to recover.

What kind of anaesthetic is used?

There are different options available based on how difficult it is to remove wisdom tooth.

  • Local anaesthetic – This is an injection into the gum surrounding wisdom tooth, similar to you may have had at your dentist for a filling. The injection requires a few minutes to numb the area which means you do not feel any pain for removing wisdom teeth.
  • Local anaesthetic and intravenous sedation – Other than a local anaesthetic injection, you may be given an injection into the arm. This makes you feel relaxed during the procedure.
  • General anaesthetic – It is quite possible to remove wisdom teeth under general anaesthetic though you sleep completely and can return home on the same day after the surgery.

Is there anything else you should do after the extraction?

It is important to keep extraction site clean for the first few weeks after the surgery. It might be difficult to clean teeth around the extraction sites as it is sore and keeping the area free from food debris is advisable. You need to rinse mouth gently with warm salt water or mouthwash on the day after your surgery.

Do I have to take time off from work?

It is necessary to take a few days off from work and avoid doing strenuous exercise during this time. Based on the kind of anaesthetic you use, you may not drive for 48 hours after general anaesthetic and 24 hours after the intravenous sedation.

At Emergency Dentist London, we provide immediate dental care 24/7. If you need to extract wisdom tooth, contact our emergency dentist in London who can help in getting it done successfully. We provide same day appointments for immediate needs and even accept patients on Saturdays for the ones who find weekend more suitable.

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