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Composite Bonding Composite Bonding Composite Bonding
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Emergency Composite Bonding

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dental method of adding composite bonding to restore a tooth shape that has worn down or suffered dental trauma. It can be used when your teeth enamel has stains which you cannot remove in other way. The treatment does not involve any pain and your case complexity will denote if you have to visit the clinic once or a few times for completing composite bonding.

Here are some dental problems to treat with bonding:

  • Correct the shape of tooth
  • Close gaps in between the teeth
  • Correct the size of tooth
  • Correct your chipped or cracked tooth
  • Improve your tooth color
  • Complete smile makeover
  • Treat tooth sensitivity
  • Restore decayed or worn out teeth
  • Correct stained teeth
  • Protect tooth root

Cosmetic bonding for a chipped tooth

Correcting a chipped tooth with bonding is an easy method done by our dentist. The material is designed particularly for tooth bonding which will provide stable and visually pleasing results.

The treatment for a chipped tooth is done on the same day. The dentist checks there are no further damage to the tooth and no other treatment needed. Then he applies the material layer by layer and shapes it to restore a tooth. Finally, he will polish the tooth and ensure its shape feels comfortable.

Composite bonding for a broken tooth

It is possible to treat a tooth with composite dental bonding depending on the breakage and restore its shape and function. For this, the dentist conducts a thorough evaluation and ensures the bonding treatment can provide stability.

Treating a broken tooth quickly is vital for saving the tooth. If there is severe breakage and the tooth pulp or dentine gets exposed, the tooth may be infected by the presence of bacteria in your mouth or the one you have absorbed with foods and drinks. If you are having a broken tooth, see our dentist immediately.

Get your broken tooth fixed today with composite bonding!

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Dental bonding for tooth discoloration

Tooth discoloration may happen from smoking which leads to intrinsic and extrinsic discoloration. Regretfully, most teeth discoloration cases are irreversible.

Though it is possible to treat some cases successfully with extensive internal bleaching, composite bonding provides a suitable solution. The treatment is cosmetic and includes applying a thin layer of special material on the teeth to restore natural and healthy smile. The durability of the results depends on the thickness of applied coating, lifestyle choices, and other factors. You can expect to have a beautiful smile for 7 to 10 years, after which repeating the procedure is advisable.

Smile makeover with composite bonding

If you need a complete smile makeover with composite bonding, our specialist will craft a mock-up of the ultimate result. The mock-up applies over your teeth so you can assess the result and request any changes you need. When performing a smile makeover treatment, you will get freedom over the shade of white you want to choose for your teeth and length and shape of teeth.

The entire process requires a few appointments but it will give you Hollywood smile to boost confidence level.

Close gaps with composite bonding

With composite bonding, you can close gaps in between the teeth. When this is needed, you need to consider the size of gap. If diastema is 1-2 mm, it is possible to close it with composite bonding.

If the gap becomes more prominent, the dentist should consider visual symmetry before attempting the treatment. When your teeth are narrow in shape with a gap of 3mm, closing the gap with composite bonding forms visual imbalance. Our specialist prepares a mock-up to see the result of the treatment before you commit to it and take an informed decision.

Bonding to lessen teeth sensitivity

When the dental enamel is worn out, the dentin gets exposed causing higher teeth sensitivity. If you are suffering from a toothache for consuming hot or cold foods or drinks or when breathing in cooler air, this may denote your dentin is exposed and you need to undergo treatment.

Composite bonding may be used for the application of a thin protective layer over the exposed dentin. This can lessen the discomfort and sensitivity you are experiencing due to toothache.

Call our emergency dentists for any kind of assistance!


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Address: Emergency Dentist – Museum Dental Suites 70 Great Russell St, Holborn, London WC1B 3BN, UK