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Emergency Denture Repair Emergency Denture Repair Emergency Denture Repair
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Emergency Denture Repair

We at Emergency Dentist in London, consider broken denture as a dental emergency. Considering the huge impact of broken denture on your life, our team of experienced dentists in London offer emergency dental care to repair the broken denture effectively and quickly. 

Our services are available 7 days a week to both new and existing patients. You can find our clinic at the convenient location in Central London where same day services are facilitated by the dentists with experience to deal with any kind of dental emergency. So, whenever you need don’t hesitate to make an appointment online or over the phone to seek instant relief.

Our emergency dentists in London assist you with:

  • Tooth loss from dentures
  • Broken tooth from dentures
  • Fallen off dentures by tooth
  • Cracked dentures

What to do if your dentures break?

When your denture breaks, it is important to see the dentist immediately to repair it. A strong probability is there that the denture can break at odd hours or when your dentist is not available. That’s why our clinic is open 7 days a week offering same day denture repair and out-of-hour services to repair your broken dentures. If the damage is extensive, then more time will be required for repairing the dentures.  

To repair the broken denture immediately, contact us on 02031376356 to book an emergency appointment. 

Don't suffer in discomfort, get your broken denture fixed now!

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What to do unless you can make the appointment?

If your denture is broken in an odd hour then you can make an attempt to retain it by yourself. Use glue from the denture repair kit and make sure that there is no glue on the surface of denture that touches the gum.

To finish repairing, follow the given steps:

  • Pop out the denture and let it dry completely
  • Make sure that the tooth is dry and so apply a drop of glue on it
  • Now carefully place the tooth again to the denture
  • Remove the excessive glue as early as possible
  • Don’t place the denture into the mouth right away
  • Provide some time so that the glue dries out completely
  • To confirm that your tooth is stable, apply pressure gently on the teeth at a time using the palm.

However, you are highly recommended to visit the emergency dentist on an earliest note for a proper repair as the glue from denture repair kit only provide short-term stability for dentures. 

Is it possible to repair your broken dentures?

Yes, you can repair the broken denture with the help of your dentist. But the answer will vary depending on the degree of breakage. If you have cracked or broken tooth on dentures then repairing is 100% possible.

But sometimes, dentures break down into halves or more in complex situation that affects the integrity then you need emergency denture repair in London. When integrity is affected the suction is unable to perform against the gum and it cannot remain stable. A professional and experienced emergency dentist is able to repair it providing good and secured fit of the dentures. 

Don’t wear the broken dentures

Accidents take place in most inconvenient times and breaking the dentures is not an exception as the consequences. But you need to remove it immediately from the mouth if it is cracked or broken down.

By retaining it into the mouth, you are taking a lot of risk including damage of palate or gums and choking on piece of denture. If it breaks at the time of chewing then spit the food and pop out the denture right away. Rinse the mouth using water and wash the denture to make it free from food. Schedule an appointment as early as possible with us to get it repaired.

Need to repair broken denture? Reach out to us today


Call Now 02031376356

Address: Emergency Dentist – Museum Dental Suites 70 Great Russell St, Holborn, London WC1B 3BN, UK