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8 Reasons to Clean Teeth from the Professionals to Avoid Oral Concerns

8 Reasons to Clean Teeth from the Professionals to Avoid Oral Concerns

01 Jan 2024

Do you clean your teeth at least two times in a day? Well, brushing and flossing are extremely important to keep Teeth strong and healthy. Use an electric toothbrush to clean for at least 2 minutes. Make sure you use Fluoride containing toothpaste and rinse properly to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and germs inside your mouth.

So, why do you need to clean your teeth from the hygienists and dentists? There are several reasons for getting your teeth professionally cleaned even though you practice good oral hygiene habits at home. Read on to know some reasons behind this.

  1. Control the tartar and plaque build-up – in spite of how well you clean your teeth at home, there will be some accumulation of plaque over time. It is important to try  to follow good dental hygiene at home. Maintaining good oral health habits can prevent dental problems greatly. When plaque hardens to dental calculus known as tartar, it cannot be removed without seeking help of a professional. In case it is not treated on time, it will damage the teeth and gums making them weak and susceptible to other dental concerns.
  2. Clean all the teeth properly – When you brush , you may find that the front teeth appear good but you do not know about the molars. These areas generally require more attention as they are close to the salivary glands and can build up tartar. If you need to undergo emergency dental treatment in London, then you might require a thorough cleaning of your mouth. Plaque may accumulate behind fixed metal retainers by following orthodontic treatment and implants should be cleaned properly to avoid the infection.
  3. Teeth cleaning is painless – The appointments with your hygienist are as comfortable as possible and can be done efficiently. The treatment is performed with the latest technology that uses the combination of fine powder and water and ultrasonic cleaning. The cleaning will be more effective and focused that can be achieved at home. Many patients have said that the treatment is painless and some of them have fallen asleep in the chair when the cleaning is done. There are comfort aids available too such as numbing agents in case you face extreme sensitivity.
  4. Improve your confidence level – Getting your teeth cleaned by a hygienist can provide a little boost that you might require before attending an interview or going to a party. After the cleaning is done, your teeth will be cleaner and your smile will appear brighter. Make sure you get rid of stain marks that occur due to the intake of tea, coffee, wine and smoking in a single appointment only. Visiting a dental hygienist can help to maintain a whiter smile after you undergo whitening treatment.
  5. Prevent the problem of gum disease – As per the statistics, gum disease is certainly a matter of concern and mostly adults will suffer from some gum disease at some point of time in their life. Most of them can detect it at the earliest stage. During this stage, there will probably be some form of gum swelling, potential bleeding due to brushing and bad breath or halitosis. Furthermore, gingivitis may result in periodontitis which is another serious condition in which the bones will be eroded and the teeth may become loose, weak and also fall out.

    Gum disease can occur due to the accumulation of bacteria. You need to fix routine appointments with a dental hygienist who can help to get rid of the deposits that usually create the environment leading to gum disease. By considering periodontitis, it has been associated with other dental conditions such as – diabetes, heart problems and potentially oral cancer. Hence, it is true to say that regular appointments for professional cleaning may help to avoid the commencement of bigger oral concerns in future. Thus, investing a little time now in solving your dental concerns can help to avoid major complications later.
  6. Suitable chance to detect other oral concerns – When you schedule an appointment with the hygienist, he will try to detect other concerns that might require further investigation. Oral lesions and suspected areas can usually be left ignored at home but by addressing them during the appointments can prevent a seemingly small issue from growing into serious concern.

    Conducting a BPE or basic periodontal examination and plaque score should be taken at the time of each dental hygiene appointment. This can help to assess the problem of gum disease and ensure your healthy gums are properly maintained.
  7. Regular mouth cleanings – There are dental plans that actually cover regular mouth cleanings to ensure improved oral health and lessen the chances of costly dentistry in future. Even if you do not have a dental insurance, then a professional cleaning might not be a costly method and its benefits will be worth your mouth. With a professional mouth cleaning, your teeth will remain healthy and maintain optimum oral health.

    Every person has their own dental health based on various factors such as – diet, lifestyle, genetics and certain medications. Your hygienist may suggest how often you should revisit him within a specific period based on your oral health condition. By maintaining regular appointments with a dental hygienist, you will be able to improve your dental hygiene routine and keep your mouth in good condition.

Thus, you need to visit Emergency Dentist London where the dentists and dental hygienist can help to get your teeth and mouth cleaned so that they stay strong and healthy. This will enable you to prevent the unwanted problem of gum disease and other serious oral concerns in future.

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